Site icon Four Generations of Insanity



Welcome, we’re glad you’re here!  In case you missed it, we are four friends from four different generations and will bring four unique, sometimes sarcastic, usually ridiculous perspectives on various topics, including pop culture, diet, health and fitness, dating, work, retirement and anything and everything in between.

If it’s on TV, in a box, on social media or available from Amazon Prime, chances are we’ve seen it, tried it, tasted it, wore it, loved it, hated it and most certainly shared our opinion on it.  Ok, maybe only with each other, we would never actually write a real review, where real people would see it, until now.

Since it is that time of year again, the air is crisp, the leaves are changing and that one well-anticipated (or dreaded) staple is back to reminds us all that summer is officially over.  Yes, it is Pumpkin Spice Season and, it is not only taking over our coffee, but our lives.  Are we totally obsessed or so over it?

 Pumpkin Spice:  Totally Obsessed or So Over It?

Amanda (30-Something Millennial): “Totally Obsessed”  

I think Fall is the best season. The air is crisp, the humidity drops so the chances of a good hair day increases and fall flavors abound.  From coffee to cookies to body lotions and candles, you can’t help but be swept up in all of the madness.

I’ll admit, I made an apple crisp this week solely because I was inspired by snaps of folks going apple picking filling my Insta feed.

I even enjoy a Pumpkin Spice Latte every so often.  BUT – I don’t get the hysteria over this specific blend, nor do I want to rub it all over my body. What about other flavors that pair well with plaid, flannel, Ugg boots and football season, like Chai or Caramel?  I’m sure those will garner the same amount of likes in your feed. #daretobedifferent

AND . . .don’t rush Summer, no #PSL until at least September!

Lindsay (Fabulous Forties):  “So Over It!”   

 When I was growing up I loved to go to the pumpkin patch.  Never once (not once!) did I think of taking a bite out of or licking a pumpkin, it has never seemed appealing to the taste buds.  You cut up the pumpkin to make it a jack-o-lantern.  At least that’s what the kids in my neighborhood did.  My mom would mess up her kitchen for such fun.

Now I am an adult and Pumpkin Spice is taking the world by storm.  WTH is pumpkin spice anyway?  It is a multitude of spices Betty Crocker put into a pumpkin pie eons ago and now someone had to put them together in a jar and label it.   The spices have nothing to do with pumpkin.  Do you know why I don’t like pumpkin pie and pumpkin roll or anything else made of pumpkin?  Because the spices, in combination, are dreadful.  Clearly my second sentence is true, pumpkin is ewwwww, so let’s throw so many spices into it so you can’t actually taste the pumpkin.   Ok . . . do it, but let’s stop there.

Pumpkin spice (aka dreadful spice) is in beer, which for this beer lover, is a travesty.  It’s in lotion, because I have always dreamt of smelling like a custardy, gelatinous, burnt orange pie which, by the way, after five minutes makes you smell like you need a shower.

Pumpkin Spice, I have been over you long before you were labeled.   I am sorry, only because people of my generation are either sorry for everything or for nothing.  I’m one dragging around the burden of apologizing for all.

Karen (F’ing Fifties):  “So Over It!” 

Why, just why, does it have to be in EVERYTHING?  And, can somebody please explain to me why I have to wait in line an extra 20 minutes at Starbucks so some basic b**ch can record and post to her Insta story, forever documenting the completely uninterested barista as she whips up this frothy potion of hell?  And then, as if that is not enough,  proceed to take numerous selfies with said frothy potion of hell.

Besides, “Pumpkin Spice” sounds like the result of one of those “match the name of your first pet with the name of the street you grew up on” games to determine your stripper name.  Who has time for all of that?  I am an adult, I have a job to get to.  I just want to get my Venti iced sugar-free syrup, extra shot, no whipped cream, light ice, skinny hazelnut macchiato and be on my way!  

Oh and, btw, my stripper name would be Smokey Galavin.

Brooke (60-Something Baby Boomer):  “So Over It!” 

I’m so over it, I was never into it.  I’ve never really had a pumpkin spice coffee or other polysyllabic, caffeine-based drink (full disclosure:  I serve a pretty fabulous pumpkin spice rumchata pudding shot at my annual Halloween bash).

I’m not sure I ever understood the national obsession for pumpkin spice.  Like the Beaujolais Nouveau in France,  every fall Americans coast to coast wax rhapsodic over the return of their flavor fave.

I don’t want to piss in the punchbowl here, but you can enjoy pumpkin spice any time you like!  Why suffer from December through August?  It’s not like KFC’s secret herbs and spices, just mix up some nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, ginger and sprinkle with impunity.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t totally dismiss the pumpkin spice phenomenon.  I’ve enjoyed immensely the many imaginative pumpkin spice products I’ve seen online, including Charmin, Trojans, chloroform, flu shots and Xanax.  But when it comes to my coffee?  I like coffee in my coffee!

Hey Karen!  Pumpkin Spice would be a really good stripper name.  But she only works two months a year!



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Are you a fan of Pumpkin Spice? 

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