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Desert Island Film Festival

Whether we want to laugh or cry or be inspired, we all seem to have our favorite go-to movies and will not hesitate to watch them again and again and again so we posed an age old question, what five films would we choose to bring with us to a deserted island? 

Amanda (30-Something Millennial)

I’m not a big movie person, but there are a few that I can’t resist when I see them on TV or need to kill time on a long-haul flight…OR, if I’m stuck on a desert island, would want them to be on repeat.

Karen (F’ing Fifties)

I have so many questions:  How did I get here?  Did any supplies make it with me?  Will I be able to charge my phone in order to watch all of my movie choices and still have enough power to send SOS signals?  Given my current situation, my first movie choice needs to be something that will give me some survival tips but entertain me as well.  Since Gilligan’s Island is not technically a movie, I will need to find another way to learn how to fashion a phone charger from a coconut.  Wait, are there even any coconuts on my island?  Before I start foraging for food, supplies and free wifi, I will put together my list of necessary movies to get me through my unplanned vacation:

My final movie choice is a tough one, there are so many more to choose from:  Blues Brothers, Goodfellas, A Perfect Murder, It’s Complicated or almost any one of Nancy Meyers movies – as Amanda stated, her movie sets are #housegoals.  I can entertain myself for hours just by pausing each kitchen scene to devour every fabulous detail.  So, how do I narrow down my final choice?  Do I switch gears and bring along the most boring movie on the planet so I have something to put me to sleep night after night?  You see, I now believe Andy & I will have an extended stay on our private island, so perhaps I should choose something more along the lines of Swiss Family Robinson.  Do you remember their pimped-out treehouse? And they did it all without a degree from HGTV!  If presented with today’s options, I wonder if the Robinson’s would choose to Love It or List It?  Since I now believe that I may be here for a while, my final movie choice would have to be:

Lindsay (Fabulous 40’s)

Five movies I could watch over and over again and not stick a knife in my eye if I was on a deserted island is so easy!

Clearly there is a theme to my movie favs.  All are love stories, with the exception of Tommy Boy. I am a romantic, and I love a good cry surrounding a great love story. I hope my deserted island has tissues.   If you have not seen these movies (GASP!), get on it!   All full of laughs and love and hopefulness. 

Brooke (60-Something Baby Boomer)

I’ve always considered myself a movie buff, but this topic has caused me to reexamine that assertion. I don’t see many movies in the theater and my attention span has ebbed dramatically, making a two hour commitment near impossible. The list I’ve compiled spans 53 years of Hollywood output, but the last film to make the list (actually the last two!) were released in 1995. Have I not found anything worthy of all star status in the last 25 years? Ah, I’m overthinking, as usual. These are just five films I have watched over and over. Five films that evoke emotions in me, reignite memories and leave me smiling. And that, in my opinion, is what movies were designed to do.

So…in no particular order:

There’s my 5. This exercise has made me nostalgic but also grateful that I live in a world with Netflix where, for a mere $20, I can bring up and watch these five all over again.

Do you agree with our choices?

 Did we leave out your favorite?  Let us know!

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